Monday, March 30, 2009

Can't Stop, Won't Stop's become a serious problem.

I can't stop eating.  Even when I'm eating, I am planning out what I want for my next meal and I'm talking about food and making vocal moans about how good it is.  I eat till I'm sickenly full and I eat when I'm not even hungry.  I eat when there is food in front of me and sometimes even when I don't particularly like the food!  What the heck is in kimchi????  I swear it's as addictive as crack...I don't even really like it and yet I can't stop eating it!

Someone save me before I get as big as a whale.....

Saturday, March 28, 2009

New Layout!

So I was Skyping with Lena (the sis for those of you that don't know) and we were Zoey-caming when she showed me a link to her friend's blog.  She's taking pictures everyday and posting then with a small blurb...neat idea for sure....

I may or may not do this depending on if I can find my battery charger for my camera, but I did get a new time and progress are being made!  Like the new one?  I'm a fan...would like to change font though....any suggestions?  Or anyone that can tell me how to do that if I send them the code???

May start a Bridget Jones type beginning to my entries showing the following: - not gonna include that one
alcoholic drinks - if I can remember on a given night then yes, will do this one! Was 0 today!  GO ME!!!!
cookies eaten - again...only if I can remember...YOWZA! 3....ok 5 if you count the ones at school....but I'm not counting the cake
Kiloms run - YES!  I can do this one!  I did 4 today and then the stretching class...would have done more had there been more time before the stretching class but only had so much time to get the run in before the stretching class and then after the stretching class I was not getting back on that treadmill....maybe I won't include this one.  Don't want to give the illusion that I'm actually getting back into shape when I still eat like a horse....hmmm maybe this whole Bridget beginning isn't going to work out after all...

Big progress today in Duckling Class (the baby class)!  Kevin is about 18 months old and has been crying a lot upon arrival.  Well, we were learning the letter "D" this week and I decided to incorporate "dance" into the curriculum as it does begin with the letter of the week.  For a part of the class, we did this cute little song that involves clapping, stomping, flicking of the fingers, etc....I saw Kevin actually SMILE for the first time today during that little ditty!  So funny how the small things in life can truly make your heart sing :)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

No Day But Today...

Just saw "RENT" in Korean...haha WHOA!

I've NEVER seen the show live.  When it came out, I was 12 years old and my mother didn't think it was an appropriate show for someone of my age to see....and almost took the CD away from me!  And for good reason I suppose....the plot is full of material that would score a movie rating of "R" but I didn't understand anything really....didn't know about the significance of HIV or homosexuality at that age.  Luckily, she let me keep it realizing how much I loved the music and I suppose she hoped that I would see the positive message of love in spite of the negativity surrounding the community of artists with "questionable" values, AKA not in line with that of our family's.  By the time I was "old enough" to see it in New York, the spark of it just kinda I'll explain below.

OK first of all let me say that I was blown away by the talent.  Angel was SO cute!  LOVED him!  Maureen's drive in on the motorcycle and dramatic protest - ASSAAAAHHH!  And the "Seasons of Love" solos......SO good!  Didn't know Asians had SOUL like that!  The voice talent and the band (aka GUITARIST = SICK!!!) were all superior, professional quality.

It was SO neat to know EXACTLY what was being said even though it was in still touched me and I still got chills in all the right places.  I also learned how to appreciate the show and the story in the way through the eyes of a RENT first-timer of late, I was bored with the idea of these people who got themselves into horrible situations are just singing about how awful their lives are and how they're so poor and blah blah blah....SUCK IT UP!  GET A JOB!  hahaha

However, seeing it live made me an adolescent again...with a more mature perspective.  I felt the light in spite of the darkness, the love in the midst of distress and most importantly - the life in the face of death.  Bravo chingus!

P.S.  Snagged a picture with Angel at the
end of the show that my friend is sending
to me soon!  I'll post that soon!

Monday, March 23, 2009


(Some of you might understand the broadway show reference in the title!)
I can't believe how much time has "year" is almost up....that single year which I have decided to turn into two!  If you'd asked me 6 months ago whether or not I would stay longer than a year, I would have immediately replied with a disgusted, "NO!"  Haha....funny how a slew of amazingly unique friends and adorable children can change your mind...
Today I recognize just a few friends - mostly representative of the ESL population in Seoul, all of whom are connected within about two degrees of separation in this city through the wonderful world of Facebook :)

In completely random order:

It was Jaylene's ending that led to so many quote from RENT, "What was it about that night?  Connection in an isolating age...."
It's amazing how we all grew so close due to a farewell.... and thankyou Semisonic for this:
"Every beginning comes from another beginning's end..."

Karolina - Our first two Sundays of knowing each other  = EPIC!  And the life-changing trip to Boracay....priceless.

OH mudfest...I can't WAIT for this again this year!  AHHHhhh!!!

Sunday Funday's....had to recruit the Canadian boys to help end the weekends in style - thanks boys!

I work with some pretty amazing women at my school!  Mackenzie (the ginger) is a brilliantly crazy lady originally from Montana but considers her base to be Chicago.  She is quite the creative one with her projects.  Sarah-Teacher (middle) is a natural teacher and nurturer...she's taught me so much!  Klara-Teacher (right) is my supervisor and I'm SO lucky!  She's SO nice and understanding....I've got it pretty good at my school :)

Had to stick in a shot of the British boys at their finest....they are usually in this state and tend to give everyone they meet a good laugh.  This is on "S" night, a fancy-dress party for Stephanie's birthday - hence the "Sushi & Sleepy Snoopy Slumber Party."

L-R:  Adrian - an Irishman, Sam - a Bostonite (also one of the ladies that traveled to the Philippines with me), Derek - a friggin' Canadian, and Amy - a fellow GRIT!  All of these people have plotted interesting points in my Korean graph of adventure :)

Cyndie & Nicole - amazing women that completely helped build the foundation for my Korean support system.  Not sure if you can tell, but this is the very beginning of the first night of snow in Seoul!

Meet The southern gent - he ALWAYS looks out for me!  I look forward to the day when we meet in our homeland where we will stuff ourselves silly on fried chicken, grits, microwaved Moonpies, etc.

Thanks to Dave, I now understand everything there is to know about Toronto, Canada....and why I would never live there.
JK - this guy's amazing and he knows it.... and my mommy told me TO's not THAT bad!

I really hate to say it...but my friend Gretchen is somewhat of a whore.  She wears too much make-up, not enough clothing, and screams desperate with the pink dye job.  She's really into James...I mean who wouldn't be with those Auntie-Wants-To-Pinch-Em-Cheeks!

Elsa - the first of my closest friends to go back to the homeland....I learned so much from her!
(miss yah Brokeback)

My friend Luis and his girl....Luis never failed to make me laugh at his ridiculous random comments.
(Dad - you'd be proud....we tuned them first.)

Last but not least - my fancy dress ladies, Stef & Hayley.  I couldn't have asked for better friends in my travels that both know growing old doesn't mean you have to outgrow your childhood.  I love and admire both of you amazing ladies!

I suck at life...

OK...I think its time to get this thing started again.  I know I'm slack.  But that is going to change.  I bought running shoes.  I'm going to run.  Run and blog.  This is a good start....
Let's see how I do tom....

Say your thanks to Benny-boy there on the left that I'm doing this blogging thing again :)
This is in Boracay, Philippines...aka Heaven on Earth!