Thursday, May 19, 2011

Need a new design...

Haven't quite got an idea for a new look for my blog but will keep working on it. If you've got any good ideas, send 'em my way!

Anyway, thought I'd let you see my set-up over here!

Here's my room!

There's me...

That Monet skin I picked out for my laptop matches nicely with my room!
(You can see a bit of my bathroom there to the right)

Love my lil alcove :)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Life in London...

Well...I'm here! I arrived last Wednesday morning and have since learned to drive on the other side of the road, been to the Tate Modern and mostly cured myself of jetlag. The weather is as expected...much colder than NC. The sun has been playing a serious game of peek-a-boo since I arrived and I wish it would make up its mind and go to bed on time! There was still light outside at 9 p.m. last night and I'm told that it will set even later as we get into June. That will be an interesting adjustment. I might need to get a sleep mask!