Tuesday, April 14, 2009

My First 5K!

Sooooo I joined a running group....not quite sure what it would entail but after realizing I've gained 15 lbs by doing nothing except sitting and eating, I thought I'd give it a go!  I ran my first 5K race with them on Easter Sunday!  I figured that at home, I would be waking up for early morning sunrise services anyway....might as well wake up with a healthy purpose here!

Races are a great place for people watching.  There are the serious runners...like the huge group of adjashis (older Korean men) that formed a stretching circle of the best leg muscles I've ever been in the presence of.  There are the families with lots of kids who take off for the first kilometer, constantly stepping on your ankles and toes before realizing that it takes a bit of endurance to run a race.  There are the newbies...like myself who struggle along huffing and puffing, cursing the world and every race ever created...then strutting around afterwards with huge smiles and boasting about running a whole 5K race (even though the adjashis ran a half marathon aka 13 miles!!!!).  One definitely could just come along to support a friend and enjoy the live entertainment :)

I actually enjoyed the whole experience...the atmosphere is fun as everyone is excited and ready to accomplish something...they give you free stuff such as bags, t-shirts, drinks, food, etc.... and there are ridiculously good-looking people promoting gym memberships.  All in all - not bad!  I'm thinking of doing a few more quite soon....two more in May!  May go for a 10-K eventually....then a half? hmm...we'll see! ;)

(and for those that REALLY need to know...it took me like 30 minutes to finish.....it was my first race!  Gimme a break!)

Pre-race with Hayley (her first 5K too!)

Post-race!!! YAY!

Hahahah....we wanted to pretend we placed ;)

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