Friday, April 1, 2011

Revival? Let's hope...

I'm going to try to revive this lil blog...just need to change a few things I suppose because 1) not living in Korea anymore and 2).....well I guess it's just 1 reason. Anyway, going to try to make more of an effort! If I'm going to get any good at this writing thing, I've got to practice!

Luckily, I'll be over in the Land of the Brits this summer so I'll have lots of new material fairly soon!

Ticket booked for May 10th through August 17th. I think that's enough time to figure out if I could put up with cold, rainy weather, dry humor (humour) obssessive tea-drinkers on a daily least long enough to invest a year in studying the amazing theatre culture of Shakespeare's birthland.

Thought I'd post a little pic from China. This is the Jinshanling section of the Great Wall.

1 comment:

megan said...

hold up! are you moving to merry ole england? CLEARLY it has been FAR TOO LONG since we have chatted!!!!! phone date soon???